Can there be 100% CERTAINTY that competent THYROID doctors are being as THOROUGH as possible?

Or…Is the underlying, HIDDEN CAUSE of Thyroid Dysfunction being OVERLOOKED?

Do any of these sound like you?
  • “I’ve tried a handful of different diets… I’ve tried the shakes… I’ve tried all the pills, lotions, patches and potions… but no matter what I do, I STILL can’t I lose weight!
  • “I am constantly battling fatigue and morning sluggishness – is that normal?”
  • “I’ve tried running… I’ve done Yoga… CrossFit just about killed me… but I still can’t lose weight. Why can’t I lose weight?”
  • “Every day I am losing more and more of my hair. It’s so thin and brittle and my doctor can’t tell me why!”
  • “I’ve tried all the products and programs my friends are selling through their networking marketing programs… and some have worked a little bit but the weight always comes back with a vengeance and sometimes I pack on a few more pounds than what I started with – what’s happening to me?”
  • “My brain fog is getting worse. So is my constipation, dry skin and anxiety. I’m too young for this, right?”
  • “I’ve seen 4 different doctors… I’ve had all kinds of different tests… and I keep getting the same advice. Just watch what you eat, decrease your calories and start exercising more. No duh… haven’t you been listening? I feel like I’ve tried everything. What is wrong with me that I can’t lose weight?”


Let me tell you a story about a patient of mine If it is not your story, it is one pretty close!
About 10 years ago, Mary’s health began to fall apart. She had just given birth to her second child. Unlike after her first birth, she now noticed that she could NOT lose the weight she had gained. Suddenly, she experienced fatigue all the time. She noticed her hair was thinning and falling out. These symptoms seemed unusual for someone in relatively good health.

Mary tried everything to feel and look better. Extreme weight loss programs and calorie restriction. Frequent, insanely difficult exercise. Fake foods and fad diets. But nothing seemed to work. Results were minimal or temporary, or both. Finally, out of frustration, she went to her medical doctor who did some blood tests to see if “anything was wrong”.



Our Radically Different Approach:

How Functional Medicine Can Change Your Thyroid And Your Health Forever!

Discover The New, Exciting, Research-Based Solution To Safely And Naturally Reverse Disease And Restore Your Health Once And For All.

The plain and simple truth is many doctors today are falling short when it comes to treating diseases like Type II Diabetes, Thyroid Disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and many other modern epidemics.

Questions Functional Medicine May Be Able To Answer About Your Thyroid & Health …

When Your Medical Doctor Can’t!

  • What is really wrong with me?
  • Why does my thyroid, health and weight keep getting worse year after year instead of better?
  • How come my medications keep going up instead of down?
  • How come my MD only runs a “few tests” instead of running all the tests that are necessary to find the problem?
  • Why do I still feel terrible even though my doctor and all my test say I am fine?
  • How come I feel my Medical Doctor may be missing something?


Your life is only going to change for the better when you do one thing... Take Action!



Our patients speak and tell their side of the story about their amazing life changing experiences in our office. These Hypothyroid Success Stories share how these people changed their lives and you can too!

What kind of doctors perform this type of work?
Dr. Robert White and Dr. Jason Kaufman are Chiropractors who specialize in Functional Medicine.  Functional Medicine is a up an coming field in natural health, one that focuses on correcting the “cause” of disease through restoring function to the body instead of treating the symptoms of disease, like most of modern medicine, by throwing drugs and surgery at it.
Can we help everyone?
Unfortunately the answer to that question is No.  The biggest obstacle in helping people is are you willing to make changes in your life to support health.  Not everyone is ready to make simple changes but if you are we can help you improve in ways you can only imagine.
What can I expect?
After determining the cause of your health problems and designing a custom program just for you, most people usually experience health improvements with in the first week or two.  These include weight loss, increased energy, improved sleep and better digestive function.
Is the program hard?
No, not at all.  After a little period of change and learning new habits, people are surprised at actually how easy it is to restore your health and make the necessary changes.  We hold your hand every step of the way and provide all the materials and support you will need to be a success.
What if it program doesn't work for me?
We hear this all the time, I have tried “everything” and nothing works.  The good news is that with the advanced testing we do and the technology we have to restore health, our success rate is near 100%.  That means that almost everyone who comes in and begins care will experience positive health changes in their lives.  We specialize in helping the people who “can’t be helped or can’t get results no matter what they do.”
What if I can't do it?
Again another comment we hear frequently. If you are “sick and tired of being sick and tired” and willing to make a few simple changes to change your life then you CAN DO IT, it is really that simple!
Where are you located?
​Our office is located at 442 Morris Ave., Springfield, New Jersey 07081 about 20 min from NYC.
What if I can not come into the office?
No problem, with today’s technology office visits are really NOT necessary. They are extremely helpful and the chances of success are greatly increased with regular visits but if for some reason (distance, overall health, etc.) you cannot make it to our location it is not really a problem. With tools like the internet, Skype, Facetime, email, etc., actual fact to face meeting are really not necessary and we can achieve the same amazing results without actually meeting in person.
And the big one... How much does it cost?
Since everybody who comes to see us has different metabolic and health challenges, everybody requires different programs to restore health. Unlike “one size fits all” programs such as popular weight loss centers where there is a fixed fee, the care you receive is custom tailored to your metabolic needs. Without knowing exactly what is wrong with you, there is no way to know how much care you will need to restore health. But I can assure you that we have NEVER turned someone away from care because of finances. We will do what ever it takes to make it affordable for everyone regardless of your situation. I give you my word on this!


Monday 9 am-1 pm & 3 pm-7 pm
Tuesday 9 am-1 pm & 3 pm-7 pm
Wednesday 9 am-1 pm & 3 pm-7 pm
Thursday 3 pm-7 pm
Friday 9 am-1 pm & 3 pm-7 pm
Saturday By Appointment


Phone: (973) 376-8383
cash, check, credit card
442 Morris Ave. , NJ 07081
Springfield, NJ 07081
FrontPage was last modified: September 21st, 2024 by Robert White