Let me tell you a story about a patient of mine If it is not your story, it is one pretty close!

About 10 years ago, Mary’s health began to fall apart. She had just given birth to her second child. Unlike after her first birth, she now noticed that she could NOT lose the weight she had gained. Suddenly, she experienced fatigue all the time. She noticed her hair was thinning and falling out. These symptoms seemed unusual for someone in relatively good health.

Mary tried everything to feel and look better. Extreme weight loss programs and calorie restriction. Frequent, insanely difficult exercise. Fake foods and fad diets. But nothing seemed to work. Results were minimal or temporary, or both. Finally, out of frustration, she went to her medical doctor who did some blood tests to see if “anything was wrong”.

To Mary’s shock, the doctor said she had a slow or sluggish thyroid gland. Her thyroid was NOT making enough of a critical hormone that controlled many body functions, including her metabolism. Mary wondered WHY her thyroid was broken. She wondered WHY she now had this disease called “Hypothyroidism”. But that was a question her doctor did not answer. Instead, the doctor prescribed some Synthroid (synthetic thyroid hormone) and assured her that things would get better.

Things did appear to get a bit better, but only for a short period of time. She was able to lose some weight and her energy returned a little. Unfortunately, that was short lived. She soon started to gain weight AGAIN, the fatigue returned AGAIN and the hair loss continued AGAIN. She was now constipated and even a bit depressed. Mary returned to her medical doctor and more testing was done. This time, the tests came back normal. Mary wanted to know:

“Why do I STILL have thyroid symptoms when my lab tests are normal?”

 Since she was still suffering, the doctors did what they had done for a friend of hers in the same situation. They just raised the dosage, assuming more thyroid medication was needed. This time the weight loss was not as significant as the first time and her energy only partly returned. This pattern of higher dosage thyroid medication and up and down symptoms was repeated for over 2 years!

What else could be wrong?​

At this point of massive frustration, Mary began looking elsewhere for answers. She spent hours on the internet until one day, after doing a search for “hypothyroid cure”, she came across a testimonial from our office. She scheduled a consultation. We sat her down and explained to her that 90% of the time slow or hypothyroid is NOT a thyroid condition at all but something else. This scientific fact truly surprised her because her medical doctor assured her that it was not something else and that she just needed to “eat better and exercise more”. But her intuition told her that indeed there was something missing in the conventional approach that was failing her.

We ordered some blood chemistry including more advanced blood markers (not usually done by medical doctors) and the results of the testing confirmed our thinking. We discovered a MAJOR CONTRIBUTOR, an UNDERLYNG CAUSE to Mary’s problems, one that had been overlooked by medicine for years.

Remember, when she was originally diagnosed, Mary had wondered,

“WHY is my thyroid broken?”

That was the question we answered.

Mary actually had an autoimmune disease or Autoimmune Thyroid. Her thyroid wasn’t the problem – it was the victim!

The restoration of health and the treatment of disease are very different things. Traditional medicine, with all of its technology, is really good at one thing – the diagnosis and treatment of disease. But in order to “treat” disease, medicine must have tools; those tools are drugs and surgery. If something is too high in your body (i.e. blood pressure or cholesterol) a drug is used to force things down to “normal”. If something is too low (i.e. energy or hormones) a drug is used to raise it. But the problem with medicine arises when there is NOT a drug or therapy to “treat” the condition in question (like Mary’s hypothyroidism). This is the reason Mary’s condition was missed in modern medicine.

The problem is you do not have a thyroid condition but something else…

Like I stated earlier, the problem with Mary’s thyroid is that it is NOT a thyroid condition at all but an autoimmune disease where the body is attacking itself, in her case, her thyroid. At this point in time, traditional medicine has NO answers for this condition. What does that mean? It means that long term the only answer for Mary in traditional medicine was to allow her body to eat her thyroid and when it was destroyed enough where it could not keep her healthy, synthetic thyroid hormones are prescribed. This is the standard of care in traditional medicine.

The analogy I tell my patients to explain this is if you went to your dentist and they found you had a cavity, would expect the dentist to fill it? Of course you would! But what if this time when you went to your dentist they said that even though you had a cavity they were not going to fill it but just keep an eye on it. At this point most people would find a new dentist. But you decide to stick it out and you go back every 6 months for your check up and your dentist confirms every time that “Yes, the cavity is there and it is bigger”. Finally after 2 years the tooth begins to hurt because the cavity has eaten all the way through the enamel and hit the nerve. Is your dentist going to fill it now? Nope! Instead of filing the cavity (correcting the cause), your dentist recommends pain killers when your tooth hurts.

This is an absolutely ridiculous story because nobody would treat their teeth like this!


I am here to tell you that this is exactly how you are being managed in traditional medicine. Even though you have a significant health problem (autoimmune thyroid) nothing is done by traditional medicine UNTIL your thyroid is destroyed enough where it cannot support health. Even at this point the cause of the problem is not addressed and the only answer is to supplement your thyroids lack of function with synthetic hormones. The cause of the problem is left untouched and continues to destroy your body.

Does this make any sense? Absolutely not!

Medicine failed Mary because the cause of the problem was not addressed and if you are reading this, it has probably failed you, too. Why? Because the MODEL you are participating in is not designed to restore health, it is designed to treat symptoms. The underlying causes creating your thyroid condition are NOT adequately addressed with drugs and surgery. This is why you continue to get worse, year after year. Why you continue to gain more weight, have less energy, lose more hair, can’t go to the bathroom, etc. etc. etc.

So, if your story is similar to Mary’s story, if this sounds like the health crisis you have been suffering with and you want to explore care where we use a completely different health model that focuses on the CAUSE of your health problems not just treating the symptoms, a model where we use completely different diagnostic testing and analysis to determine the CAUSE of your health condition, then click the button below to schedule a consultation.

We are offering a limited number of opportunities to come and receive an initial consultation and evaluation at the extremely discounted price of $37 (normally $297). So, go ahead, schedule your initial evaluation and start on a journey to a new you and a new life! I look forward to meeting and helping you soon!


Monday 9 am-1 pm & 3 pm-7 pm
Tuesday 9 am-1 pm & 3 pm-7 pm
Wednesday 9 am-1 pm & 3 pm-7 pm
Thursday 3 pm-7 pm
Friday 9 am-1 pm & 3 pm-7 pm
Saturday By Appointment


Email: info@thenaturalthyroidsolution.net
Phone: (973) 376-8383
cash, check, credit card
442 Morris Ave. , NJ 07081
Springfield, NJ 07081
A Story About a Patient of Mine was last modified: September 21st, 2024 by Robert White